Sea Turtle Eyes, Original Study Painting
Sea Turtle Eyes Study
One of a kind original study painting. I made this painting as a study for the Green Sea Turtle II painting which was a private commission.
Here's your chance to own an original study painting. This is unframed and unmatted & ships flat. Can be custom signed however you wish. Just write this in the Notes section at checkout.
**Please note: this is a rough study painting on paper. The paper has some flaws in it. Some people view this as the charm of owning an original study.**
Paper Size: 11" wide x 17" tall
Image Size: 6" wide x 12" tall
My mission as an artist is to inspire an appreciation for and curiosity about nature and its creatures by communicating the aesthetic beauty of this planet’s amazing creatures as they really are.
It is my hope that this appreciation will result in acts of empathy & stewardship towards these incredible creatures portrayed in my paintings.